International Yoga Day Celebrated by SSB Falakata Today

By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Falakata 21st June, 2017: Today 53 Bn SSB observed International Yoga Day on the occasion Mr. Shashi Shekhar Singh, Officer. Commandant 53 BN gave a speech about yoga and advised all for taking initiative for yoga in their daily life. A total of more than 195 personnel with their family members attended the International Yoga Day celebration. Dr. S. Priyadarshi, commandant (Medical) 53 BN also attended the programme and given his speech. In this programme SSB also conducted a tree plantation drive keeping the solidarity of the International Yoga Day. The 6 Coys of SSB i.e. Lankapara, Totopara, Jaigaon, Khokla, Nayabasti and Santalabari also observed the International Yoga Day today.
Photo: Arunangshu Maitra (TNI)